Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Swallowtail release.

Yesterday the black swallowtail that I have been watching emerged from its chrysalis. Since I was at work I ran over to the Como Zoo, over my lunch hour, and released him in their butterfly garden. Here are a couple of pics that I took to commemorate the moment.
While I was at the butterfly garden I found a black swallowtail caterpillar in the parsley.This little guy better hurry up. It will not be too long before the cold weather gets here.


  1. funny we found 2 of these in the parsley today, and 1 in the pool the other day(alive of course)...

  2. I just found 3 of these on the parsley in the garden.
    I went on line to look up to see what they were.
    I love butterflies.

  3. Found one of these in my Dill patch today. How do I keep it alive so that we can watch it transform? We have tried before with Monarchs with no luck. Thanks for any help you can give. - Katie
