Monday, February 25, 2008

Golden Eagle Award

Sometimes the blogging world is tough. You work hard to try and put together the best blog possible, and you are proud of the job that you have done. Then you begin to wonder if there is anyone out there visiting your blog. You look each day for comments but when you don't find any you begin to wonder if it is worth all the hard work.

Most of us have felt this way at some time during our blogging life. Well my friend Ocean over at Island Rambles knows this feeling. She is a relatively new blogger with a very cool site. She has definitely put in a lot of time making her site look very professional but she has been having some doubts lately as she has been waiting for her readership to grow.

Instead of giving in to the doubts and folding up her tents Ocean has gone the opposite way. She has decided that she will try to help other bloggers who might be feeling the same way as she is. So she has decided to begin giving out Golden Eagle Awards to give recognition to her fellow bird and nature bloggers.
I am honored to have received one of these awards. I would like to thank Ocean and I think that what she is trying to do to help others shows the kind of person that she is. So when you get a chance please visit Island Rambles and say hi to Ocean. She has a lot of great eagle and scenery pics of Vancouver Island as well as some poetry and a very good sense of humor. Who knows if you play your cards right you might just get an award.


  1. Congratulations to you Ecobirder!

    P.S. I finally visited the National Eagle Center yesterday. Your post last week convinced me that I should try and get over there ASAP and it was definitely worth my time (even my non-birding spousal unit enjoyed it). Thanks.

  2. Congrats Jeff! Your photos are inspiring me to try and master my camera and I your posts always teach me something about birds that I never knew before.

  3. Thanks Ruthie and Lynn. I hope you took a couple minutes to go and check out Ocean's site Island Rambles.

    Yes Ruthie the National Eagle Center is awesome. The new facility is much better then the old store front they used to occupy. I think that it helps them be more effective.
