Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Here are some pictures that I shot of last night's lunar eclipse. They are not bird pics but still very cool. Fortunately last night we had clear skies so I was able to set up my tripod right outside my door and then run out every 15 minutes or so and take a couple of shots. It took a while to find an aperture that worked well, especially in the later pictures where the Sun's light begins to reflect off of a portion of the moon while the rest is still covered by the shadow of the earth.

The next full lunar eclipse is not until December of 2010 so I hope you got a chance to see it for yourself or if not I hope that you enjoy my view.


  1. cool eclipse pictures, Jeff! I tried taking some from out on my deck, but I know they didn't turn out as good as yours (due to my limited expertise with this camera).
    It was definitely worth staying up late for on such a nice clear night.

  2. Thanks Ruthie and Ocean. Usually when I am shooting and it is dark I try and open the aperture as wide as I can to allow as much light in as possible. Unfortunately this does not work when photographing the moon. Since there is a lot of contrast between the moon and all the darkness around it the best way to shoot is to stop it down and close the aperture as much as possible.

  3. I happened to be at class that nite, and our instructor let us go early and reminded us to watch the lunar eclisp...nice pics.
