Friday, February 22, 2008

More trumpeter swans at Monticello, MN

At the end of January I took a trip up to Monticello, MN to see the 1000+ trumpeter swans that have been hanging out on the river there. Since there are so many swans it is easy to get a lot of pics pretty quickly. I picked out about 8 or 9 shots that I liked and posted them. One of my readers, CAS, decided to go up and take a gander, omg that was bad, with some directions from me and got some very nice pics, which you can see here.

I still had a few more shots too. This shot is just to kind of give you an idea of the quantity of swans that are in the area. This is only a small portion of the over all number that you can see.
Getting shots of the the swans in flight can be tricky but when you get a good one it is very rewarding.
It was a little bit easier to get the shot as they skidded to a landing across the water.
The swans are very frisky at this time of year, with all the males trying to prove themselves to eligible females.
They prove themselves by displaying
and participating in twister contests
and sometimes even under the wing limbo, aren't you glad you use Dial?
Some of the males are not very good losers.
While some of the winners are quite the prima donna.
Sometimes it does not matter because the girls are just not impressed.
If you are in Minnesota and would like to check out the swans in Monticello it is very easy to get to. Just take US94 heading west of the Twin Cities towards St Cloud. In Monticello take the Fenning Ave / Riverview Drive exit and head north. When Riverview Dr begins to turn east along the river look for Mississippi Drive on the left. Take a left on Mississippi Dr, which is a dead end, and you will find the spot a block or so down on the right. When you get close you will see, and hear, the swans in the river so it is hard to miss.


  1. You got some great shots here! They are such majestic birds.

  2. Thanks for sharing these fabulous pictures of such beautiful birds. Good job, Ecobirder!

  3. Thanks Cas and Ruthie. It is pretty easy to get good shots when there are so many of them around.

  4. What a cool set of pictures! The swans are beautiful!
    Too bad I'm a 'little' far to visit such place (Lima, Peru)
    Thank you for sharing such beauty :)
