Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some Dodge for you while I drive

I apologize for my lack of witty reporte on this post and the last. I am leaving shortly for a short trip and have been trying to get things taken care of so that I can leave. I will try and blog a bit while I am traveling. This will depend on the Internet connections at hotels and how much time that I have when I am not out shooting. Here are some more pics from Dodge Nature Center for you to enjoy while I drive.
eastern phoebe
cedar waxwing

house wren
painted turtle


  1. I like the second Waxwing picture- I love seeing light through feathers. Cool Sora too, I've never seen one, but nearly jumped out of my skin when I first heard one whinney nearby!

    Have a fun and safe trip.

  2. Well, gee, if you're not going to dedicate every waking moment to entertaining me, what good are ya?
