Saturday, May 17, 2008

Warblers from Wood Lake to Hold You Over

I have spent the past couple of days exploring some of the best birding spots in Montana. Friday I was at Medecine Lake NWR and today I made my first trip to Bowdion NWR. This part of Montana appears to going through some what of a drought and both parks appeared to be much dryer then normal, so birding was harder then it was last year. I have not had time to upload any pics, since we just got to the hotel after a full day of birding and driving, but I do have some nice shots that I took at Wood Lake Nature Center on May 9th.
yellow-rumped warbler
palm warbler
black and white warbler
orange-crowned warbler

Tomorrow we head into Yellowstone. Depending on how late that we shoot I will try and get a couple of sample pics of the trip uploaded.


  1. Jeff:

    The Tenn. Warbler is actually a Orange-crowned Warbler. Nice pics and now that I am a working guy, I am saving money for a big ol Canon Camera!! Hopefully you can teach me a few tricks to get photos.

    Mike H.

  2. You know I actually knew that it was an orange-crowned warbler, in fact if you click on the pic to get the larger one you will see that they are labeled orange-crowned, but after a day of birding and driving my addled old brain was on the fritz. Thanks for letting me know about my mess up I will take care of it ASAP. Real work is over rated but it is worth it if you get to buy cool toys. Of course some nice hardware helps but the real trick is knowing the birds and you are light years ahead of me in that respect.
