Yellowstone is not the only place to see waterfowl. On our trip to Crex Meadows, June 1st, we spotted a few ducks that have still remained. The ducks that we saw the most of were mallards and blue-winged teal.
We also saw quite a few ring-necked ducks. The cool thing about this picture is that you can actually see the ring around the neck that the duck is named for. This is unusual. Some people say that you can tell that this bird was named by hunters because usually you do not see the ring around the neck unless you have the bird in your hand. If you want to see examples of how ring-necked ducks usually look check out this link of past ring-necked duck pictures that I have taken. Notice that the lighter colored band around the neck of the bird in this picture is not visible on those other birds.
Great waterfowl pics! Wish I had time to visit Yellowstone this summer.