Thursday, October 30, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Welcome to Skywatch Friday.
This is the view just before sunrise at the Bosque del Apache in New Mexico. The photo was taken on my visit there in February of 2007. Many people gather in the morning to wait for the sandhill cranes to take off, in large groups, and leave the pools that they roost in over night to venture out into the neighboring fields to forage.


  1. A magical photo. Your sunrise is so much more inspiring than mine.

  2. Gorgeous - the dark shadows on the pink is a lovely effect! Boy, I would love to see all those cranes take off!

  3. Wow, I would love to have witnessed this. One time on my way to work, the fields were alive with birds and the only thing I could figure they were were sandhill cranes. That is the one and only time I have seen them here.

  4. What a beautiful sunrise picture Eco! I also wanted to add I just read your take on the upcoming election and the environment. I couldn't agree more. What a disaster the last 8 years have been in every way.

  5. I especially like the lone bird in the tree - I'll be taking arija's word but it's true - very magical!

  6. Hi Eco, Great capture of the primordial sunrise. I am looking forward to a Sandhill Crane outing soon. I can hear the beautiful sound in my head already.

  7. Holy cow! I need to visit, I can't imagine the site!

  8. A stunning picture, great framing

  9. Sights as this make the early rising so worthwhile. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  10. Great, what is in the tree? Love the old tree and all the Sandhill Cranes.

  11. Fantastic! Do you remmeber what raptor was the one on the tree?
