Friday, November 21, 2008

Photo Friday Challenge: Peregrine

Today I am trying something else new called the Photo Friday Challenge. Each week the Photofriday website chooses a subject or theme. The challenge is to post a pic or more interpreting that theme. We will see how well that I can match their themes, especially since most of my pictures come from the natural world.
The theme this week is Food. This is an easy one, there were so many possibilities to choose from. I could go with my wolf shots on an elk carcass, flycatchers with a bee in their beak, waxwing or robins eating berries, dragonflies eating bugs, eagles with fish or on a deer carcass, but I decided to go with the peregrine falcon shots that I took last November.
While I was volunteering at The Raptor Center someone came in and let us know that there was a wild peregrine on a building down the street. I grabbed my camera and went out to take a look. I could see the bird perched on the corner of the building but it was pretty far away.
So I decided to walk up the block to see if I could get a better view. As I was heading towards the birds location I saw it take off and head north and then I lost it as it crossed behind some trees and buildings. I decided to look around a bit to see if I could relocate the bird. When I turned a corner around to the back side of one of the buildings I found the peregrine on the ground tearing into its food, a pigeon, which it had just killed. The bird sat on the ground plucking feathers and ripping flesh about 20 feet away from me as I began to riffle off shots. I stayed until I had filled my 8 gb card and then left the bird to finish its meal in peace.


  1. I bet when they said food, they didn't plan on your photography. I love this, you were able to get such close shots in action.

  2. these are just wonderful! i love the close-up views.

  3. Following and tracking down the birds once they move is a fun Challenge in its self. It makes one feel more connected observing the patterns of movement in action. Well done.

  4. The cycle of life shown in these GREAT captures!
    I captured on film a Hawk eating it's dinner similar to this last winter...I did NOT know what it was eating until I downloaded!!
    The circle of life..nature's law.

  5. Exciting to see thru your photos! Wow!
