Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Watery Wednesday: Deer at Crex Meadows

This weeks Watery Wednesday features a white tail deer and fawn that Michelle and I photographed at Crex Meadows back in June of 2007.
We spent a lot of time at Crex Meadows during the summer of 2007. At this time of the year it was about time for the swan cygnets to hatch so we were mostly looking at the pools, lakes, and ponds for new waterfowl chicks.
When we came to this pool we were hoping to find a mother with young but we were not expecting it to see a white tailed deer mother with her fawn. The stayed in the water long enough for mom to show the young fawn some affection and then they disappeared into the brush.


  1. Such a beautiful, sweet moment you captured!

  2. Beautiful, love the family. Great for Watery Wednesday too. This I REALLY like.

  3. excellent shots! Where wereu hiding when you took it?

  4. That was definite a "kodak moment". The pictures are the moment were both beautiful.

  5. I gave up deer hunting for photography. This picture reminds me why.

  6. I have deer constantly in my yard so I'm really loving these!
    Wonderful shots.

  7. What a sweet shot of the doe and fawn! This is the best Watery Wednesday I've looked at...wonderful
