Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today's Flowers

I took this photo at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge on October second. It was early fall and even though at the time that I took the pic the weather was still very nice I knew that it was only a matter of time until winter would be here and all of the flowers, as well as much of the wildlife, would be gone. So I took this pic to help me remember those warm summer days when the fields where filled with wild flowers.
I am not sure what type of flower that it is, what a surprise, but hopefully one of you smart readers will help me out and ID it in the comment section.


  1. Hey I'm the first one here!
    That's what I love about "Today's Flowers" gives me sunshine when outside it snows!

  2. Very pretty! Nice to have a glimpse of summer when my part of the world is under a blanket of snow! Have a wonderful Sunday!! :)

  3. Hi Ecobirder,
    According to Stan Tekiela's "Wildflowers of Minnesota Field Guide" your flower looks like it's a False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides). Stan says, "A nice butterfly garden plant that is hardy and easy to grow."

  4. Heliopsis helianthoides sounds like a flower I tried when I first started gardening, with little success. I then read every book I could on seed starting.

    Your photos are warming on this cool day.

  5. nice shot, the yellow is so lively and intense, beautiful ...
    hugs, Denise BC

  6. The yellow of this shot is wonderful.

  7. Lovely golden flowers. They must belong to the sunflower family with all those tiny flowers in the certre. Great photo.

  8. I didn't know that Stan Tekiela did flower guides..I have his bird guide for NY..I learn something new everyday..

  9. lovely sunny photo for a dull overcast day here in southern Ontario.

    Gill in Canada

  10. Yes, I think everyone up north had to store up on their summer flower photos to have images to post during the winter.

  11. Such happy flowers! Puts a smile on my face :) Excellent photo.

  12. absolutely beautiful, nice color..

  13. Yes, I do think it is some kind of sunflower. I enjoyed your bird slideshow.

  14. that photo brought a bright and cheery.
    thanks for sharing.

  15. Beautiful and i don't know the name either but then i never know my own flowers name either.

  16. Wow!!

    How beautiful... like a world within a world..

    You have a gift brother,

    Peace to you, M

  17. Lovely, I agree it is some type of sunflower, they all look so similiar in my book.
