Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Watery Wednesday: Eagles

Last Saturday we finally had some descent weather, with the sun shining through the thin layer of clouds and temps getting up into the 40s. So I decided to make a pilgrimage down the Mississippi River. During the winter there are less opportunities to photograph nature then during the rest of the year, in Minnesota, but the opportunities that we do have are more unique. One of those winter opportunities is the large number of eagles which gather around open water during the winter. This is one of the main things that got me interested in wildlife photography. On my trip on Saturday I did find a nice grouping of eagles down on the ice just south of the lock and damn at Alma, WI. I did get some very good pics as one of the eagles plucked a small fish out of the river, but I have not yet cut those pics down to Internet resolution.
So for this week Watery Wednesday I offer these shots that I took over near Prescott, WI early this year.


  1. Fantastic eagle shots! I can't believe you can get that close! Also, patiently waiting for your new ones...

  2. Seeing this eagle in action is exciting! wonderful!

  3. Amazing shots. Wow!!! Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Love them both, but the 2nd one is my favorite.

  5. I am so blown away by the shots that you get! I am head-to-toe green with envy...

  6. Oh man..what a treat to see such action in person...

  7. Woow... I'm amazed!!! These shots are fantastic....Awesome... It is so rare to see them easily and to get nice movement shots like this...Congrats...
