Friday, June 26, 2009

Burrowing Owl

Here are the last of the burrowing owl pics that I took last August while I was on a shorebird workshop in South Dakota.
Burrowing owls prefer to live in an open field habitat. Since they are ground nesters this aids them in spotting predators from far enough away to make an escape.

If you would like to see more burrowing owl pics check out the Ecobirder group on Facebook. During our Yellowstone trip we stopped out in Idaho and took some burrowing owl pics, including pics of 5 day old chicks. I will be posting some pics from Idaho in the future but I posted a couple of pics, including a pic of 3 5 day old chicks, as a preview on the Facebook page. The Facebook has open enrolment so feel free to join the group if you would like. I have left it pretty open so that members can post pics or links if they want to as long as they are appropriate, I will remove anything that I feel does not belong. To get to the page you can click here or on the link in the sidebar.


  1. Those eyes! I know you're used to seeing that piercing gaze, but it blows me away every time I see one of your photos with them staring right at you.

  2. Oh my...
    These almost portrait shots are gorgeous!! Big eyes for a small guy!! Very impressive birds and fantastic pictures

  3. Oh, wow! These are amazing! How cool to see something like this. I can only hope to see this some day. I love that last shot. What a pose!
