Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sky Watch Friday: Yellowstone Snow

If you have spent any amount of time on this blog you have probably noticed that I mainly photograph birds and wildlife. Photographing the fauna is my passion, but every once in a while I come across a scene that just cries out to me that it needs to be photographed.
That was the case when I took this shot in Yellowstone in May of 2007. We woke up that morning to find a blanket of wet sloppy snow had covered most of the park. As the sun came up the temps climbed back up into the 40s and the snow was already beginning to melt. This is a pretty common occurrence when we go to Yellowstone in May


  1. How lovely, it makes me want to visit Yellowstone!

  2. Small wonder you could not help yourself! A very beautiful scene.

  3. Beautiful!

    Just think of all the birds that are unseen in that landscape!

  4. That is a beautifil scene. Great shot. Helen

  5. You photographed one of my favorite places on earth! I love this!

  6. Oh cool! We'll be in Yellowstone in June, can't wait!

  7. I've never been to Yellowstone, but it looks amazing. Love the blue sky!

  8. I am thinking of going to Yellowstone in mid May but I read that it is the rainiest month.

    Is it too bad? Should I cancel the plans?

    I also read that bear cubs are around and I am wondering if that would be particularly dangerous as I don't know if bears can become aggressive defending their young.

    Will there be other people at the park or just me? I wouldn't like to find myself in between a bear and a cub.

    Thanks in advance!
