Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today's Flowers: Hawaii

While scanning in my Hawaii pics from 2002 I found that we had taken quite a few photos of flowers. I am sure that Michelle probably took most of these, since I have just recently began to photograph flowers and plants. Many where photographed on our one day tour of the big island when we stopped at a nursery of some sort. I have no idea what type of flowers that any of these are but I hope that you enjoy them all any way.

There are more flower pics from our trip but I will save them for later instead of throwing the blog into flower over load.


  1. What a lot of beauty you introduce! Orchids are so beautiful - come in most every colours! And these are just wonderful!

  2. All flowers are wonderful!
    I think that the name isn't the most important.
    Beauty is the truly important, is the feeling of life.
    Thanks for posting in TODAY'S FLOWERS.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very beautiful orchids from a beautiful island.

  5. Love the red anthuriums in the last picture,

    Great pics!

  6. Absolutely beautiful! :-)
