Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sky Watch Friday: California Coast

This weeks Sky Watch Friday pic is a view of the California sea coast that I took back in 2007.
This was a bit of coast line that we found as we were traveling south from Monterrey Bay to Big Sur. I stopped to take the pic, as we were driving because I really liked the variety of textures and the contrast between all of the different colors. I hope that you like the view also.


  1. Realy like the raging sea smashing itself on the rocks.

  2. Monterey to Big Sur is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Thanks for reminding me with your picture.

  3. I agree with you about the attractiveness of the variety of textures.

  4. I love the colors in this shot, great photo.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  5. It does show off those grassy verges so well and the varying hues.

  6. Great shot, I am not even going to take a stab at your quiz, I need to see the whole bird and my book to identify most birds.

  7. Oh what a beautiful view and one i would love to be at.
