Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today's Flowers: Water Lily

This weekend we are finally starting to see a little bit of spring weather here in Minnesota. Yesterday the temp got above 50 degrees and it is supposed to be even higher today. Tomorrow we are even flirting with 60 degrees. This may not seem very warm to people in warmer climates but considering that just a few days ago, last Wednesday, our high temp was only in the single digits.
Most of the lakes and ponds are still big blocks of ice so we still have a long way to go before we will be able to see wild waterlilies, like this one that I photographed last July at the Maplewood Nature Center, but once spring starts the time will fly.


  1. That water lily is beautiful. So pure and white. Helen

  2. This is a beautiful water Lily, i love that it is all white, we have the same here still too cold for any flowers so i cheated again.

  3. What a nice flower to usher in Springtime thoughts.

  4. Like a swan she floats and glories in her own reflection.

  5. that is a beautiful flower.....Spring is also trying to show its face around here in Southern Ontario....

    Gill in Canada

  6. A beautiful flower, and a beautiful reflection you've caught with your lens. Lovely!

  7. Beautiful slide show..
    Beautiful water lily..
    Very soon they will bloom in your area again:)

  8. The spring is coming slowly here in north of Sweden were I live we have still snow.

    The water Lily is a beautiful
    flower. Thanks for sharing

    Gunilla in Sweden

  9. What a beautiful Lili, very nicely lit and the reflection just makes it perfect.

  10. That is a gorgeous water lily...
    our lakes here are still frozen solid here as well but I'm hoping that soon it will get warmer and water will appear so that nature will open up and wildlife will come to life!
    Mountain Retreat Photos

  11. Above 50°? And I was thinking 48° sounded pretty good. ;-)

  12. OOPS! Forgot to say
    My Today’s Flower’s post is at
    More of Me - EG

  13. Pure and white, really beautiful!
