Thursday, May 14, 2009

Skywatch: Yellowstone

It is getting hard to concentrate on my daily life with vacation coming up but it will not be long at all before Michelle and I reenter the magical world of Yellowstone.
Lass year was the best trip to Yellowstone that we have ever had so it will be hard to top it but I am sure that we will have a blast. This year I am planning to try my hand at a bit more landscape photography as well as all of the animals. Both of these shots were taken in Yellowstone last year. The top photo is a shallow seasonal pool that we found on our way out to the Roosevelt Junction. Below is a a shot of bison feeding in the Madison River valley.
I do not think that I will do much blogging while we are away. I should have Internet access and will try and check up on things but we usually spend about 12 to 13 hours in the park each day so there is not a lot of time left for processing the pics and writing the posts. But don't worry because I am setting up posts for each day that I am gone and if I get time I will try and post some pics from Yellowstone on the new Ecobirder group page on Facebook. You can find a link on the sidebar of this blog and everyone is welcome to join.


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time Ecobirder and bring back lots of new experiences! Shelley sent me over to have you stop by my blog "Sunny Side Up" and help me ID a dragonfly. She says you are good at that. If you have time, that would be great!

  2. Such wonderful photos and a nice herd of bison as well.
    After a long day o the field and processin anything up t 700 photos at nigt, I just hope you will get enough sleep to enjoy it all to the full.

  3. Don't waste a minute of your trip blogging. There is just to much to do and see in Yellowstone. Have a great trip!

  4. Have a wonderful trip and bring back plenty of photos :-)

    Those are great shots ... both look so peaceful ..

  5. Have an awesome time! We will miss your post but looking forward to more fantastic photos when you come back.

    These are wonderful captures, by the way! :)

  6. Love the bison shot.

    I'd love to visit Yellowstone but will have to make do with your photos! Have a great trip.

  7. I hope you will enjoy your trip and have a nice weather to take thousands of pictures , for you but also for us to discover ;-) Never say never, you cannot know if this one trip is not gonna be better than the last one, and I wish you the best for it. The bison picture is awesome!!

  8. have a wonderful trip ... yellowstone is the best.

  9. Yellowstone! I am so jealous (and happy for you!)! It is one of my favorite places on earth. Sigh!

  10. I would have a hard time concentrating if I knew my vacation was just around the corner, too! Great shots! I hope you enjoy your trip this year.

  11. GREAT shots and I'm jealous. Have yourselves a wonderful / safe trip. I'm checking back so I do hope you can post while gone. Thanks!

  12. We have always wanted to visit Yellowstone. Cant wait till you get back to see the photos.
