Sunday, June 28, 2009

Viceroy Butterfly on Philadelphia Fleabane

It is not often that I get to cover two different memes with one post, let alone one pic, but I wanted to start posting to the Macro Monday meme since I do quite a bit of macro photography. In the future I will try and get Today's Flowers posted earlier but since I was off shooting all day I decided to combine them for this week.
At first glance you may think that this is a monarch butterfly sitting on a Philadelphia Fleabane flower but it is in fact a poser. The viceroy has very little in common with the monarch butterfly other then its coloration. The coloration is a type of camouflage. It makes it look like a monarch, which are toxic due to the milkweed that the monarch caterpillar eats, and thus they are typically avoided by most predators.


  1. Beautiful detail on the butterfly, great shot.

  2. You just learned me something. I would have been fooled, otherwise. Wonderful photo.

  3. Wow, neato... perhaps you can identify the bug I photographed for my blog?

    Have a great day.


  4. Gorgeous butterfly! Coincidentally I'm also sharing my shot of butterfly for Monday Macro!

  5. not only lovely, but it seems this is one very smart little butterfly. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Beautiful butterfly in camouflache. I did not know that some of them are toxic. Beautiful and toxic, nice combination;)

  7. Hi!
    Great Photos!! I didn't know there was an impostor of the Monarch butterfly. Thanks for the info. Have a great day!


  8. That's a wonderful shot. Great way to combine the two themes.

  9. Lovely butterfly... great macro shot. I think we have some wild fleabane flower growing out back of our yard.
