Monday, July 6, 2009

Ding Dong the Witch is Gone

While I am still on my soap box, great news out of Alaska this weekend. Caribou Barbie, as Steph and the mooks refer to her, the bat crazy former republican vice presidential candidate has resigned as Governor of Alaska. I am not sure where the policies of the current Lieutenant Governor stand as far as the beautiful wildlife and natural resources of Alaska but he would be hard pressed to be any more anti-environmental then Caribou Barbie. I am sure that the wolves in Alaska are hopeful about the change, since Nailin' Palin supported the challenging sport of hunting wolves via helicopter. Good riddance.


  1. That woman ate nails for breakfast and shot at everything that moved. She really personified the uneducated red-neck ugly American...with make-up of course.
    Ever since a wolf came to me in friendship in the Rockies, my bond with them has been even tighter.
    Hunting by helicopter is surely the most gung-ho cowardly way to do it!

  2. Well as French, I can eat snails but not nails ;-)
    I guess we only have to hope that nature conservation would be the priority for some of our politicians, but this is not all the time the case. What kind of planet ours kids will discover??? Let's hope there is still hope, and some people who will fight for the nature conservation!

  3. Palin....*stops to rinse bad taste out of mouth*

    she's bound to show up somewhere else, unfortunately.

  4. She's "Bailin'" Palen now, since she cut and ran on her commitment to the people of Alaska. She's gone (for now), but the issue she was so emblematic of is still with us: America has a stupidity problem and it's name is The Grand Old Party. I bet Ike is rolling over in his grave at what has become of his party. It's now the party of twits, anti-science zealots, Old Testament literalists, raging hypocrites, and power hungry morons.

  5. LOL! Reading your post along these comments is making me laugh. I think they said it all, so I won't add to it. Have a happy day! :)

  6. Yeah, what a wierd chick.

  7. Beautiful! Let's hope the best for the wolves! :)

  8. TY!!! Finally Someone I can wholeheartedly agree with, that woman is VILE, to say the least..God Bless the Wolves, and good riddance to the likes of her, she scares me..

  9. Love your politics (probably because I agree with them). Glad wolves are established here in Montana, though it looks like we'll have a hunting season this year.

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