Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Monarchs


  1. WOW! Awesome shots of the Monarch!!

  2. These are some nice crisp butterfly shots. I have yet to see a Monarch this year.

  3. I've only seen two monarchs this year--very unusual. But it's been a cool summer so far, so maybe that has something to do with it? There's still tons of milkweed around, so that can't be it.

    Nice captures!

  4. Love buterflys and these are some great shots.

  5. beeuuutiful!
    Thats dotted meadow blazingstar your monarch is on! I'm glad I planted some in my yard now that I see a happy butterfly feasting on some!

  6. Very beautiful!

    I recently had a Monarch land on my butterfly bush. I was able to slowly creep up on it and get the shot in my "Beautiful Butterfly" post (

  7. We have raised them with our granddaughter. So beautiful when they fly away.

  8. Shhhh not a word...ok one word..beautiful!

    ok a few more words..
    any chance you want to meet a group of us birders bloggers in your fair state? any help on where to bird would be greatly appreciated.

    check link here..
    mine will be up soon..

  9. Gorgeous! They are so hard to get they move quick!! Love the contrast from the thistle as well.

  10. Beautiful shots of the monarch. They are hard to capture! Inside our house, we have one monarch chrysalis, and 3 monarch caterpillars. It has been fun watching the caterpillars grow and I keep thinking they are dead, when they molt and are resting! LOL! I can't wait to see them all turn into butterflies. At least one caterpillar is going to a friend, though. We promised last year and then the caterpillars disappeared. This year, we decided to bring them into the house to watch them. So far so good.
