Sunday, November 22, 2009

Macro Pics from Crex Meadows

Here is a series of macro shots that I took out at Crex Meadows during September. The first is a bumble bee drinking nectar from a wild flower. Bees and butterflies are the main way that most plants are pollenized. With out these insects the world would be much less hospitable.
The yellow jacket is also a member of the bee and wasp family. During the fall they go into a type of hyperphagia, looking to store as much food as possible for the winter. This is why you often see these around your pop can in the fall.
The last picture is a tree frog. Evidently he could not read the sign from his perch in the trees so he came down to get a closer look.


  1. Great shots as always. I like your comment about the tree frog.

  2. Great macros here! love that bumblebee shot.

  3. Those are fantastic! I especially love the little tree frog - he's adorable!

  4. Lovely serie of macro shots. The little frog i very cute.

  5. Nice article as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that theme.
    BTW look at the design I've made myself A level escort

  6. Oh I just love your first picture. The angel and how determined he looks :)

  7. Love your pics! Especially the tree frog :)
