Friday, November 6, 2009

Tribute to Misty

Today was a rough day. Today we had to let go of our two year old little girl named Misty.

Misty developed an unknown illness over the past few months. She had lost half of he weight and was down to about three and a half pounds. She spent most of her time sleeping and was beginning to have a hard time walking and using the litter box.
Several trips to the vet and numerous test revealed nothing. Today we were scheduled to bring her in for an exploratory surgery. Unfortunately they determined that she was anemic and would require a blood transfusion before they could move forward. Things did not look good. We were facing over a couple of thousand dollars worth of vets bills and they still had no idea what was wrong. Worse yet there were doubts that she was strong enough to make it through any surgery. So we made the hard decision and ended her pain. We only had her a couple of years but she was a very special little girl and I will miss her. Tomorrow we will head out to the shelter to see if we can find a new family member to share our life with. Nothing will replace Misty in our hearts but giving an unfortunate cat a new home and family will help to ease the pain a little and help our little boy feel less lonely.


  1. I am so sorry for you loss but you did the right thing in letting her go. She probably wouldn't have made it through surgery she was so weak and she didn't need to be put all that pain. I am all for helping them when their time comes. We have had to do that with a couple of dogs. One we had for 7 years and one for 14 years and yes it does hurt. May God send a special one to you and your family and help to ease your loss. Helen

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of Misty. She was a pretty little girl. As an animal lover and pet owner, I am too familiar with your pain. Adapting a homeless kitty is a wonderful thing to do and will help you and your son.

  3. The double edge sword of loving a pet is having to let it go. I hope you find another nice kitten. Even if it doesn't replace Misty, it's always nice to have those four footed friends around.

  4. So sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose one who has become such an integral part of the family.

  5. I am so sorry. Losing an old companion is very painful, but losing so young a pet makes us feel so impotent.

  6. So sorry for your loss. I remember when you announced that Misty had joined your family. She was a lovely cat. I bet this is hard on your other cat, too. Our sympathies.

  7. Sorry for your loss of Misty. She is a pretty kitty. It is so hard to make that final decision but you know it is for the best. Adopting another kitty is wonderful.

  8. Hugs!!! I am so sorry for your loss! I can tell she had a wonderful life and was loved and happy!

  9. We are very sorry for the loss of your Misty girl.


  11. It's harder to let go than to hang on...we had to may that same decision with Ruby, our Jack Russel, until we realized we were thinking of ourselves and not her. So glad you've decided to save another kitty by giving it a wonderful home. I'll be checking in to see who the lucky one is.

  12. So sorry for your loss, they do leave big holes in our hearts.

  13. If you can believe this: After looking at your wonderful photos of Misty and Magic yesterday (I went back and found the earlier photos), our conversation turned to kittens, which turned to the idea of how much our 10-year-old son would love a kitten (we have two mature cats and a dog, none of which he knew in their early youth), which led to a spontaneous trip to the Rice County Humane Society yesterday afternoon, which led to the adoption of not one but two kittens - a 3-month-old buff tiger male and a 6-month-old tabby/white/gold female. I'm a bit dazed but happy, and our son is thrilled. I hope your search for a new feline family member is equally successful and brings you much happiness.

  14. I love to hear people say that . I think its a tribute to the love you shared with Misty to honor her byu loving another..!!Good for you sandy

  15. Having lost Sophie I less than a year ago I know the loss we feel when we lose one of our animal companions in life; you have my sympathy. I'm glad you are getting another kitty. Sophie II will not replace her predecessor, but she is a joy in her own right.
