Friday, November 13, 2009

What a Difference a Week Can Make

A week ago I was in the vets office with Michelle, tears in my eyes as I said goodbye to our baby girl. Today, one week later, I returned to the vet for a much happier occasion.
Putting Misty to sleep was an extremely anguishing decision, especially considering that she was only two years old. We felt pretty helpless watching her health decline and in the end we did what we thought was best for all of us.
Afterwards we talked it over and decided that it would be a good thing to get a new cat right away. We thought that getting a new cat would help us get over some of our grief but more importantly we were worried about our little boy, Magic, who had lost his companion.
So last weekend we headed out to one of the adoption events held by Last Hope, a local no kill shelter, and found this adorable little girl to take home with us.
This is peanut. She is a beautiful brown Tabbie. Not only is she extremely cute but she is very affectionate. She will often curl up and sleep on Michelle or I. She is not all angel though a part of her is a wild cat and loves to run around and play. After a few tense hours at first, Peanut and Magic have now become close and are often sleeping or playing together or grooming one and other.
Today was her first visit to our vet and so far she seems to be healthy and happy. I pray that things will stay that way and that we will be able to share our lives together for many years to come.


  1. Congratulations! Peanut is a real cutie!

  2. Wishing you and Magic happy memories with your new little 'Peanut.'

  3. Congrats on your new little Peanut. How cute!

  4. Peanut is adorable.

    I was sick and out of touch last week, I am sorry for the loss of Misty.

    My CC

  5. Awww, congratulations to both of you.

  6. What a cute name for your new kitten! A new animal doesn't really replace the old, but just makes our heart grow bigger.

  7. My condolences to you and Michelle on the loss of your Misty. Peanut is an adorable kitten. Wishing you all many wonderful years together!

  8. So cute...and such a nice thing you did. Enjoy...and be proud of yourselves for caring enough to share your home with yet another little fur ball.

  9. I'm excited for you and "Peanut". I think what you did is the best. Getting a new baby for your cat & yourselves, quickly, is the best way to go! I know from experience. I have a gray girl kitty named "Peanut" who is 20 years old! She's a great and charming friend. Good luck to you all.
