Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hardy Waterlily: Laydekeri Fulgens

Well today is some what of an occasion here at Ecobirder. For the fast two years I have posted at least once every single day. After my first year and a quarter of blogging I determined that most of the blogs that I really liked posted quite frequently. So on June 5, 2008 I decided to try and make at least one new post every day. At first I hoped to make it a full year but once I hit that landmark I decided to keep going. I am not sure how long I can continue posting every single day, its almost like having another full time job, but as long as people keep coming here I will continue to keep posting.

Today's picture is one of the pics I took of lilies at the Como Zoo water garden last year. I have not been over to Como for a couple of months so I am not sure how the water garden is coming along so far this year but with their new polar bear exhibit which opened last Thursday I will need to get over there soon.


  1. Gorgeous shots of the waterlily. Love the color!

  2. Nice picture of the waterlilies. I liked your ealier post on the Spotted Sandpiper too.

  3. You know what? Your blog is one of my very favorites, and I hope you will post as often as you can. But don't let it become a chore you end up despising! Just post when the spirit moves you! ~karen

  4. 2 for 1 deal I love the piper below as well. hardy flowers for sure. Here in Fl they disappear immediately though there is a woman who grows the largest lily pads in the qworld imported and you can walk on them sandy

  5. Water lilies are just so pretty with that tranquil and serene feel. The color is so vibrant on this shot. Well done

  6. Been years I have not seen water lily this one is so pretty! Happy Sunday!

    My Flowers

  7. I'm a new reader of your blog and really enjoy it. You're teaching me quite a bit.

    If life is easier not blogging daily, go that way. But I hope you'll keep contributing. Good to know there are others in St. Paul who enjoy the same areas and appreciate nature this much. Crex Meadows is next on my list.


  8. The water lilies you bring us are always a delight to see.
