Friday, December 11, 2009

Yellow-rumped Warbler

One of the first warblers that we see here in Minnesota each spring and last ones that we see in the fall is the yellow-rumped warbler. This is because they have a more northern winter range then most of the other warblers, stretching as far north as northern Indiana and Illinois.
One reason that they can survive in harsher northern climates may be the fact that they are more of a generalist, when it comes to eating, then many other types of warblers. They eat plenty of insect, and will often catch them in the air, but they will also eat seeds and berries when there are no insects available, including wax myrtle and bayberry which they can digest and other warblers can not.


  1. I have only seen one of these in sw Michigan (I've lived here ten years.)

    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  2. Hi there, I googled red-shoulder hawk and found your site. Today we had (what I believe to be) one land in one of the Douglas fir trees, and I was able to get several photos. Should you have the time would you mind going to my blog and seeing what you think. Thanks, Diana

  3. Thank you so much for your response! By the way, I know the cold of Minnesota... worked there for 2 years and it wasn't all that bad. ;) My friend (in Rochester) said she shoveled over 11 inches of snow yesterday. Thanks again.

  4. Beautiful! Such wonderful detail. Thanks!

  5. Great photos. Love the detail and color, and the food in its beak.

  6. What wonderful photos, such a pretty little bird.

  7. Beautiful photos of a beautiful bird!

  8. What lovely bird, what beautiful photos!

  9. I love learning about all the species of birds you post!

    My CC

  10. The last photo is awesome you got him right where he had something in his beak. Nice shot!!

    Camera Critters

  11. The warbler photos are beautiful, we only see them in passing in the spring and fall here in Iowa. Something to look forward. The water lily photo is awesome.

  12. I've lived in CA, CO, TN and now MA. They are always the harbinger of a great birding season. Speaking of generaist, I'm used to seeing them in the wooded and brushy areas. The last one I saw was feading down by the surf on the rocks with the waves crashing behind her.

  13. awesome shots of these cuties...the bird on the second photo was caught in action

    mine is here

  14. Fantastic captures! Great detail and color.
