Friday, January 8, 2010

American Redstart

Every year for a few weeks in the spring and a few in the fall warblers migrate through the area. This is usually one of the most exciting time of the year for a lot of the birders, since most everyone loves the colorful warblers. Unfortunately it does not usually last all that long and before you know it most of the warblers have moved on past us. Fortunately their are a few species that seem to hang around most of the summer.
The American redstart is one of the most common warblers that breeds in our area. Mature males are red and black in color while female and immature males are yellow and gray like the bird pictured above. I usually spot redstart fluttering from branch to branch looking for insects to eat, which they often catch on the fly. I photographed this redstart up at Park Point in Duluth back in September.


  1. Looks like a bit of a protest there~~! We have the Pine Warblers here.

  2. Beautiful photos! We look forward to the warblers each spring and we see them sometimes in the fall.

  3. Wow yellow bird love the color very pretty! Thanks for sharing!


  4. More great bird pics. Very handsome little bird. Thanks for posting.

  5. Awesome shots of teh Redstart, they are pretty birds. And you captured them beautifully.

  6. oh awesome shots..but i love the second shot..the cute bird looks!

    I got a snake

  7. I must admit that I've never heard of this bird. That second image is outstanding!
