Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bufflehead Duck

With all of the lakes, rivers and other wet lands that we have around we see quite a few ducks her in the part of the world which I live in. This is especially true during the spring and fall migrations when some of the ducks that we do not usually see stop over to rest and feed. One of the more colorful ducks that we see during migration is the bufflehead.
During the spring migration I often see mated pairs of bufflehead traveling together on their way to their breeding grounds up north in Canada. During the fall migration usually males and females travel separately on their way to the southern US and Mexico. The top pic, the female, was taken at Crex Meadows in October. The male, above, was photographed at Black Dog Lake in April.


  1. Great shots of the buffleheads. They are pretty ducks.

  2. I've never seen ducks like that. Very nice captures.

  3. there is something quite sweet about these photos.

  4. Hey thanks for sharing these Buffleheads.

  5. I haven't ventured out this winter to go 'ducking', so thanks for the great pics! ~karen

  6. We've had a few bufflehead down here in AZ this winter also. Nice photos you captured there. You can really see the female's sweet face!

  7. I've never seen them "live" either. Maybe this year.
