Sunday, March 14, 2010

Minnesota Valley NWR Darners

Here is a collection of some dragon shots that I took back in September.
All of these dragons where photographed in one afternoon at the Minnesota Valley NWR.
They are all members of the blue darner family.
These first ones appear to be green-striped darners.
Green striped darners have a shallow notch on the front thoraxic stripe.
These last two pics appear to be a shadow darner, the thoraxic stripes look like two 7s.
I apologise for the lack of info in today's post. Unfortunately I spent a good portion of the day rebuilding my photo PC because of a bad hard drive.


  1. Wonderful Macros as always :)
    I like the warmth in the color of those so far away from reality here these days

  2. Cute captures of the dragonflies! Sorry to hear about your hard drive problems.

  3. wow that's a really great macro
    those dragonflies are beautiful

  4. FAB-U-LOUS shots! I'm marking this page for reference! I love dragon- and damselflies and take gret pleasure scouting around for them in the summertime. ~karen
