Tuesday, April 20, 2010

February Wood Ducks


  1. beautiful ducks...especially the male of course.
    hey, what do you know about black swans..in NJ?

  2. Gorgeous..beautifully brilliant shots!!

  3. lovely ducks :) they looks so calm and vigilant as well :)

  4. Happy WW! Beautiful ducks and your last post reminded me of Loons I would hear in NH when I was young. A sound like no other for sure. Interesting about the bones. That must be why they are always so low in the water.

  5. Awesome! we get a pair that check out our big old maples every year, but we are not close enough to the creek so off they fly. I found you through WW, I am a neighbor- WI, and my oldest son lives with his family in Minneapolis! we are almost family! I am a new follower. do you have a way to sub in for email updates?
    you can view my WW at my blog, hope to see you!
    Faythe @GrammyMouseTails
