Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gray Skies over Crex

After a few very nice days things here have clouded up and it looks like we may get some rain or possibly even thunderstorms tomorrow. It is hard to complain though since the temps are up in the 70s which is 20 plus degrees above our normal high. So much for those snow storms this winter disproving global warming, or global climate change which is actually more appropriate. This cloudy day was taken at Crex Meadows last summer.


  1. Looks very wet and soggy...our temperatures are far above normal in eastern Ontario too..this weekend up to +24C...and no snow fell in March. Not sure if that's a good thing but I did enjoy it

  2. Beautifully Shot! I can think of a fairy tale and I can imagine a scene out of some story when I look at this picture! Mysteriously Beautiful!

    Pixellicious Photos

  3. We've had the warmest winter on record here in Seattle -- and I'm not complaining! Great shot as always! Have a Happy Easter weekend!


  4. Can you send some of that warmth and sunshine over here as it's wet and soggy everywhere. Cheers FAB.

  5. Same here in MI, I remember last year we had snow. And yes that's the appropriate words climate change because it does change from time to time. Happy Easter!
    SWF~Full Moon

  6. It is a wonderful sky photo. I like grey skies.

  7. I love marshes like that. It looks huge.

  8. This scene looks almost surreal, and has a natural sepia tone that is lovely.

  9. Love the golden tones of the reeds in contrast to the grey sky.

  10. Nice shot with lots of contrasts !!

    We had a few nice warm days as well. Now it's howling a gale outside and I can see the snow moving in over the Sierras. They're forecasting about 1-4 inches of snow on the valley floor by morning.
