Sunday, May 2, 2010

River Jewelwing Maco Monday

Many people often mistake damselflies for dragonflies. Although they are both members of the order Odonata, the toothed ones, their are several differences that help us distinguish between the two.
First of damselflies are typically smaller and more slender then the thicker stout dragonflies, this is probably the reason for the name damselfly. Dragonflies are strong fliers with the ability for sustained flight while damsels have a much weaker fluttery style of flight.
The eyes of the damselfly are separated from each other, resting on opposite sides of their hammer shaped head, while the eyes of the dragon meet in the middle of their head, except the clubtails who have heads that are similar to damselflies. While at rest the damselfly will hold their wings vertically over their back except for the spreadwings which hold theirs at a 45 degree angle. Dragons always hold their wings perpendicular to their body while at rest.
One of the largest damselflies in size are the jewelwings. There are two types of jewelwings the ebony jewelwing and the river jewelwing. All of the pictures above are river jewelwings. You can tell them apart fairly easily because the ebony jewelwing has solid black wings where the river jewelwing has two-toned wings. The first three pictures here are of males, which have a metallic green color. Females, like the one in the last pic, are usually a yellow green color with a white dot on the edge of their wings.


  1. It's beautiful damsels. I wasn't even aware before between those two. I always think its all dragonflies.
    I discovered it when I joined cc.

  2. Lovely - and if I saw these I'd be one who thought they were little dragonflies. Now I know better. :)

  3. It is very difficult to see damselflies in the urban cities now. I think they are more colourful than dragonflies.

  4. Wonderful lesson today accompanied by beautiful pics!! Thanks ~karen

  5. They're all excellent, but I must say I LOVE the 3rd photo best.

    My macro is one of the best things in grandson's teeny tiny hand at age 1.

    Stop by if you can, I'd love your company today.

  6. Impressive Macro Monday entry. Very nice metallic green color on this damselfly. Thanks for the awesome shots.

  7. I've never seen one like this. Great shots and how pretty this on e is!!

  8. I was out looking for ebony jewelwings today...but no luck. I'm glad to see them here!

  9. That is a fabulous macro...what a beautiful creature this is!

  10. Love dragonflies. These are very nice shots... I like #3

  11. Heisann!
    These shots fascinate me, really ;:OD)
