Saturday, August 21, 2010

Helenium Autmnale

During late summer and fall many of the fields around here are adorned with the bright yellow blossoms of the Helenium autumnale. This perennial is native to most of North America. It is better known by the common name sneezeweed because the leaves were once used to make snuff.


  1. I love this plant. It is such a great garden perennial. I have never seen it growing wild. It also comes in orange and red forms.

  2. One of my favourites! I have some blooming now too, :)

  3. bright and beautiful ~ I like your butterfly pics too :)

  4. Wow! And it comes in orange and red too! Triple wow!

  5. Little Sister, my botanical mentor, assures me we have have this plant, so I will have to start looking for it!! It's a pretty little thing. ~karen

  6. I love the name 'sneezeweed'. It's such a bright, cheerful yellow.
