Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hunting Egret

The great egret is a common bird through out much of the world. The most widely distributed egret they can be found in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. They are large birds with a four and a half to five foot wingspan, the great blue heron is the only member of the egret family which is larger.
For me the fun thing about egrets is watching them hunt. They slowly wade through the water stalking their prey. Frequently they will stop and stand motionless and then quickly lunge at the prey catching it with their long slim beak. This egret was hunting at Purgatory Creek.


  1. they are amazing birds...
    you got some great photos of them!

  2. Lovely shots of these very beautiful birds.

  3. Ooo...those are some nice action shots. We have them in our yard often stalking lizards and snakes!
