Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Great Horned Owl part 1

On April 9th, while browsing several birding sites, I read a post about a great horned owl nest located at a park that was not far from home. I decided to drive over and take a look after work. When I arrived it did not take long to locate the nest. It was near to the visitor's center over a major trail.

The day was bright and sunny but it was still pretty cold, with the high temperature reaching only up to the low 30s. Both mother and chick were huddled into the small nest.

They slept for most of the 2 hours I observed them. Every so often the chick would wake up and get restless. His fidgeting would wake up mom who would give him some grooming until he settled down and then both would sleep again. They continued to mostly sleep until I had to leave.

The following 2 days we had snow showers and I was not able to return to the nest to take any more pictures during those days. Fortunately the weather turned more spring like by April 12 and I was able to return and get more pictures which I will share in future posts.

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