Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Other adventures at Wood Lake

I have not been back to Wood Lake to see the owls in a couple of days. In fact I have not done much birding at all. Tuesdays I work a second job in the evening so I don't really have much time for anything except work. I can't complain too much though since the second job helps to pay for my toys and my trips. Wednesday I worked a long day and the weather was overcast all day long. I went to check out a newly occupied osprey platform after work. Since it was pretty cloudy I did not really get any good shots and since I was tired from work I decided not to stay long and went home and took a nap instead. So I did not really get any new shots but I still have some shots to share from the past couple weeks.

While visiting the owls at Wood Lake Nature Center I took the time to exercise my legs and check out the rest of the park.
As I walked down the path through the marshy area I could see that the grackle and the red-wing blackbirds had returned.

In the open waters I spotted the typical mallards and canadian geese but was also excited to see a pair of hooded mergansers. Mergansers and grebes have always been fascinating to me.
I also spotted a pair of wood ducks. The color on the male was very vibrant especially the red eye.
It looks like today the weather is pretty much the same as yesterday. So I will prolly post some more owl pictures tomorrow. It is supposed to be a bit sunnier tomorrow and nice this weekend so hopefully I can get some shots of the osprey nest as well as some pictures of a local eagles nest and visit the owls.

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