Saturday, June 30, 2007

Crex part 2

Here are some of the other pictures that we took on June 17th. We did see a pair of common loons. Common loons are the state bird of Minnesota and one of my favorite waterfowl. We were hoping to see some loon chicks but there were none that we could find.
The problem with photographing loons is getting the red eye to show up on the black head. It was particularly hard on this occasion because it was pretty cloudy in the morning when we saw the loons. We did find a duck with some chicks. Unfortunately I have a hard time identifying many of the female ducks since many look the same. If anyone knows what type this is please feel free to post in the comment section.There were a few heron and egrets out wading in the shallows
We also saw quite a few butterfly.
My wife got some great shots of a monarch on matching orange flowers.
She also got some great shots of a white tail doe and fawn.
While I was setting up my tripod to get some close ups she was clicking away. Good thing too because the doe got a little worried about us watching and led the fawn away before I got completely set up.
Typical. Oh well, we will try going back in a couple of weeks and maybe my luck will be a little bit better.

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