Saturday, July 21, 2007

Black swallowtail update

So I was kind of disappointed in the first set of pictures that I took of my friends Mary's caterpillars. I got some great suggestions in the comment section from Scott about macro filters and tips and decided to do some reading. After I read a couple reviews I decided to order a Canon 100 2.8 Macro lens. I received it a couple days ago and decided to try it out on Mary's future swallowtails. As you can see the results were much better.
Besides the change in lenses we also took the caterpillar outside into the sunlight since fluorescent lighting is really bad for taking pictures.
Mary brought in a second caterpillar that had fastened itself to the top of it's container.
The next morning it had already shed it's skin and formed it's chrysalis.
So far I am extremely happy with the pictures and happy with the lens too. I can't wait to take it out and shoot some macro in the field unfortunately it has been very hot and humid the past few days with the heat index hitting over 100 degrees.

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