Monday, May 5, 2008

Birding Around the Twin Cities

It was a bit cloudy and hazy on April 27th but I decided to go to some of the local birding locations to see if anything new might turn up.
One new sighting that I found, in the marshland that is a part of Fort Snelling State Park and is right across the road from Black Dog Lake, was a green heron. This was my first green heron for the year.
Another bird which I have not seen many of so far this year is the pied-billed grebe. I found this one at Wood Lake Nature Center. Last year it seemed that I saw a lot of pied-billed grebes earlier in the spring then this year. Maybe our poor weather so far this spring has something to do with it.
There was still at least one pair of wood ducks at Wood Lake. They will probably clear out soon , heading further north for the summer.
Usually all that we have left in the mid summer months are the geese, mallards, robins, crows and redwing blackbirds.

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