Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Maplewoood Nature Center Ducklings

Today has not been a very good day for me. First off the weather has been miserable all day, with cold temps and off and on snow/rain/sleet and ice. Then things have just been breaking out of the blue and the finally is when I clipped the corner of our garage when pulling in and broke the plastic cover over my headlight.
So I decided to post something that would be cute and upbeat so that it might help to cheer me up.
So here are some pics of a couple of baby ducklings that I photographed back on August 18th at the Maplewood Nature Center.
I am not sure what type of ducks that they were, since many female ducks look similar and mom was the only parental supervision around.
One thing that is very noticeable to me when I look at these pics is the difference in light that we have here in Minnesota during the summer compared to what we get in the winter. The light in these pics looks so vibrant and warm.

During the winter we typically have a lot of overcast grey skies. This is the thing that I dislike most about winter in my part of the world. When we do get clear skies it is usually extremely cold and that has its own effect on light. One day when I retire, if I ever can retire, hope that I can spend my winters down in Florida, south Texas, New Mexico and California.


  1. They're just wonderful. These little guys would cheer up anyone! Hope your day goes more smoothly tomorrow.

  2. We all hope to retire to somewhere warmer than where we are today. I haven't ever given much thought to how cold it is up north. Seeing blogs with snow already makes me thankful I am in Tennessee, but I even hate the cold here. My joints hate the cold.

    The ducks are cute, hope they did the trick for you. Made me smile, we can look forward to spring through last years photos.

  3. Sorry you had such a bad Monday. Sounds like mine. I had to take my car in. I can't believe how much they told me I need to get fixed. $800 later with still more to go... :-(

    Love these shots. They cheered me up too! :-)

  4. The lil ducklings are adorable! Sorry about your mishap! Fixable but could have been alot worse. Glass is half full!
