Tuesday, January 26, 2010

American Coot

If you asked people what type of bird is in the photo above most people would probably tell you that it was a duck of some type. This would be incorrect. The American coot is actually a member of the rail family. So why is it that a bird that looks like a duck and acts like a duck is classified with a bunch of birds that you would usually find running around in the tall marsh grasses? Well it's all in the feet. Ducks, as most people know, have webbed feet which helps them to swim. Rails, like the American coot, have separate toes, each of which is lobed at the end. You can see the separate toes in the photo above, which I took back in 2007 at Lake Vadnais.


  1. Wow amazing photos. Have to admit I thought it was a duck!

  2. Those are really great shots. I've taken a lot of shots of coots but they haven't come out this... clear? Because of their black leaves they never look very sharp in the photos I've taken. Good job!

  3. I like that last shot, showing off his feathers!

  4. What a pretty creature! love your shohts!

  5. Great shots of the Coots! I have always thought their feet were funny looking.

  6. I didn't realize that! Thanks for the info. Makes me a better beginner birder!

  7. Very cool Coots! These are great shots.
