Saturday, November 27, 2010


Back in the 1980's their was a skit on Saturday Night Live called the Coneheads. If planet Conehead had a planetary flower it would probably be the purple coneflower or Echinacea. This member of the daisy family can be found in open woodlands and dry fields across eastern and central North America.


  1. Lovely flower.The nurseries here don't have it.

  2. I planted some of those out front this fall, but they haven't sprouted yet. Rain is forecast here for next weekend, so I imagine that they'll sprout then!

  3. I remember the Coneheads well and the movie they made. My favorite all time characters and SNL cast was back in that era. The Coneflower is one of my summer favorites and this is a lovely shot.

  4. lovely flower.
    Here in Sweden we call it Echinachea-- Rudbecia.

    Great shot.

    Have a nice day


  5. And gardens - don't forget that it is common in gardens! The last couple of years, I have noticed that there are more colours available. It is beautiful, no matter what colour it is!

  6. I'm doing the purple coneflower in a report!
