Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays

Here is wishing your family a very happy holidays from our family.
Magic is trying to figure out which of the presents is his.
While Peanut is trying on her new holiday hat.


  1. Very sweet Christmas greeting! Your kitties are adorable. I've had the pleasure of snuggling and playing with my daughter's 3 and they are keeping me well entertained as we prepare for Christmas! Have a wonderful day! ~karen

  2. great cat portraits, Happy Holiday to you!

  3. Love the cat shots. Happy holidays to you -- thanks for sharing all your wonderful photos and insights on Ecobirder!

  4. That is quite a family! Happy Holiday to you, too.

  5. I came to check your TodaysFlowers but discovered your cute cats! My dogs have blogs too!

    Btw, the berry on the new post is really festive and perfect for the holidays!
