Friday, December 10, 2010

Yellow Warbler

During the winter there is not a lot of color around here. The ground is usually buried under a white blanket of snow and on what seems like most days the sky is covered with a blanket of gray clouds. It is the color and the sunshine that I miss most in the winter. During the summer bright birds like the yellow warbler nest in the area. These golden little warblers are not shy do not seem to have much fear of people. They often come out into the open in search of insects, which is their primary food source during the summer. This makes it easy to get good pictures of a very pretty little bird. I photographed this bird at Crex Meadows in late spring.


  1. Hey, great minds think alike. Please send me an article or two. The site’s evolving and hopefully in a few months it will have a bunch of useful info.

  2. What a gorgeous photo, what pleasant surprise it must have been to see the warbler. Keeps the memories of summer alive.

  3. What a pretty picture!

  4. Good photos of a beautiful bird. Boom & Gary of The vermilon River.

  5. What a beautiful bird. Such a burst of colour!

  6. it's intense color!
    I have been wondering if you can help me to find the name of a water bird I photographed?

    I will post it later today- for "Weekend Reflections" meme. If you get a chance...drop by and see.

  7. What a brilliantly colored, cheerful little bird that is. I'd love to spot one in my area.

  8. That is so nice, I've never seen a bird like that. pretty cool!
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