Thursday, January 13, 2011

It will be Summer-eventually Emily Dickenson

It will be Summer—eventually.
Ladies—with parasols—
Sauntering Gentlemen—with Canes—
And little Girls—with Dolls—
Will tint the pallid landscape—
As 'twere a bright Bouquet—
Thro' drifted deep, in Parian—
The Village lies—today—
The Lilacs—bending many a year—
Will sway with purple load—
The Bees—will not despise the tune—
Their Forefathers—have hummed—
The Wild Rose—redden in the Bog—
The Aster—on the Hill
Her everlasting fashion—set—
And Covenant Gentians—frill—
Till Summer folds her miracle—
As Women—do—their Gown—
Of Priests—adjust the Symbols—
When Sacrament—is done—


  1. Oh, YES!! Hopefully! Gorgeous skies and the perfect words by Dickenson! Thanks for sharing the beauty of the skies and the words! Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. I could just do with a day,sitting in that meadow, with my picnic and parasol!

  3. Not for another five months yet.
    Now we need the parapluis, and paravents :-)
    Nice skies there and green grass.
    Love the orioles. Thought those were cookies?

  4. A beautiful photo - I love those clouds! And I love Emily Dickinson, too. Very nice post for SWF.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Very beautiful & I hope it doesn't linger, either!

    Have a great SWF! =)

  6. Oh, I would love to spend some time in that meadow, lovely shot.

  7. Lovely words to accompany the equally lovely photo. :)

  8. Lovely photo, and memories of summer and warmth! And blue skies!

  9. Lovely summer photo. And a wonderful poem by one of my favourite poets.

  10. This is a beautiful and peaceful field/meadow that just calls me with my picnic basket to come, sit, eat, and just ejoy nature at it's best. You captured the image perfectly, and you chose the perfect poet and poet to tie your photo box up with a lovely bow. Great shot. Genie
