Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Birdacious Bark Butter from Wild Birds Unlimited

It's been almost four years since I started this blog as a way to share my pictures. Now my friends over at Wild Birds Unlimited have asked me to share my opinion with you on some of there products, specifically Jim's Birdacious Bark Butter. This unique bird food was created by Wild Bird Unlimited founder and CEO Jim Carpenter and it is part of the Birdacious line of treats, trays and toppers which are available exclusively at Wild Birds Unlimited.Jim's Birdacious Bark Butter is a spreadable suet that is made from beef suet, peanut butter and corn. It has attracted over 100 different species of birds including woodpeckers, chickadees, cardinals, nuthatches, mockingbirds, catbirds, grosbeaks, towhees, brown creepers, robins and more. They have now also added calcium to the mix to make it even more healthy for the birds.
The thing that I like most about it is that you can spread the butter right onto the bark of a tree. This is great for photographers who are looking to attract the birds but prefer to get a more natural looking shot. If you just are looking to attract a greater variety and quantity of birds to your back yard then there are feeder options, like the Bark Butter Feeder, that are available. I was happy to see the made in America sticker on the feeder that they sent me. I have nothing against products made in other countries but it is great to see that Wild Bird Unlimited supports US companies and workers.
I was hoping to get up to the Sax Zim area last weekend to see if I could use the Bark Butter to attract some boreal chickadees, grey jays, black-backed woodpeckers, pine and evening grosbeak, but unfortunately the weather was less then cooperative. However I have my Bark Butter Feeder set up and it is possible that I may get up north this weekend so I will hopefully be able to follow this post up with a lot of great pictures of birds enjoying Jim's Birdacious Bark Butter.
Wild Bird Unlimited also sells a variety of other types of wild bird seed, including nyjer thistle, and black oil sunflower, as well as suet. They also have a large selection of wild bird feeders, including window feeders for that birds-eye view.

If you visit their website and then return here and post a comment about a product that you think looks interesting you can win an item of your choice up to a $50 value. You can increase your odds of winning by signing up for the Wild Birds Unlimited newsletter or becoming a Wild Bird's Unlimited fan on Facebook.

Even if you don't win, please visit Wild Birds Unlimited for a great selection of birding supplies.


  1. Birdacious bark butter! its a first for me..

  2. I visited WBU and read about the bark butter, it sounds very interesting would love to try it! I love in a very rural area not close to a WBU store so I guess I will have to wait until I am close to a store. I wonder if you could do the same thing with suet cakes? I may try so maybe I could capture birds feeding. Thanks, it was fun visiting your blog and learning something new! :-)
