Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life List - Horned Grebe

The next category in my on going life list post is grebes. I don't think that I have any pictures of red-necked grebes, I am still checking some of my pics from Montana, but I was able to get some horned grebe shots back in 2008.
We do not see horned grebes very often in the southern part of Minnesota. Usually they pass through quickly on their way to their nesting grounds in northwest MN and Canada. In 2008 though we had a good number of them stick around a while. That Spring we had a lot of waterfowl hanging around because the weather up north of us was still a bit cold. I photographed these horned grebe at Fort Snelling State Park.


  1. Great shots as usual. What a great looking bird.

  2. What wonderful characters. Great images.

  3. Your grebes are beautiful with all of their shades of color. I have never seen any of them. They seem to have a lot of personality. These are lovely shots.
