Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Only About a Week and a Half Until Spring?

With only about a week and a half until the first day of spring it appears that winter is still alive and well here in Minnesota. Today the temps are supposed to get into the mid thirties but tonight the snow is going to start to fall again, continuing through tomorrow giving us another six plus inches. Next weeks forcast has several days with a possibility of more snow, however our temps are supposed to get a little warmer, with highs near 40 degrees, so maybe some of the snow and ice will begin to melt.


  1. Amazing and brilliant photography. Great post

    My Watery Wednesday

  2. I feel your pain!

    Great shot though - I mean, it looks like something is melting out there, even if only for a day!

  3. yay, spring is here :)

  4. Terrific shot, looks cold. We are starting to thaw out here.

  5. Looks like spring is going to be a little late for many of us. I love that shot.

  6. More snow? Spring has to be here soon!

  7. Nice shot .... we got more snow today :( But the spring will be here soon! It must be :)

  8. Still have the snow looks cold. Happy WW!

  9. É muito gelo mesmo! Enquanto você espera 40°F, aqui nós temos quase 40°C.
