Friday, April 15, 2011

Nest building may have to wait

Spring is finally here but you probably could not tell from the weather we have been having this week. The weather forecast is looking like snow is possible tonight and into tomorrow. This may be a problem since I have my second field trip for my Minnesota Master Naturalist class tomorrow.
For part of the day we plan to be outside to take a look at some native prairie. Normally we could expect to see robins beginning to build their nests in the deciduous trees that line the prairie but the expected cold, wind and possible snow will most likely cause them to hunker down for the day. Fortunately it is not supposed to last long so by Sunday they will probably be working hard again on getting their nests built so that they can begin their family.


  1. Gotta feed the family first. Well done.

  2. Amazing photos of the babies! Happy weekend to you :)

  3. Now, those look like some hungry babies. I can almost hear them! Great job.
