Saturday, May 21, 2011

Flowering Trees are Blooming

The flowering trees here have finally begun to bloom.
You can find blooming trees almost any where such as yards, parks, or along city streets.

These types of ornamental trees help to add a lot of color to the landscape.
They also fill the air with a sweet natural perfume.
They help provide nectar and pollen for many insects and later on fruit for birds and animals.Plus all trees are very important for our survival, since they help to fill our air with the oxygen which we need to live. So you don't have to go out and hug a tree but hopefully you appreciate them.


  1. I love the first signs of Spring, and you captured it fabulously! Beautiful images!

  2. Ah, I do love the blossoms of spring!

  3. Good looking trees, Since those are Crabapples they provide a nice food source for the birds later in the season.

  4. isgh I was there I miss it so much

  5. Terrific shots. Love the colours in the last shot.
